odd phenomenon: loey


name: loey lorenzen
age: -∞≤x≤∞
material: flesh, bone, and time
role: the body, the ego


a boy of curious happenings and god's greatest enemy, loey is a spectacle of human wonder and oddity, at its various extremes. he is a mold shapeable into anything you want, with a mortality of your choice. a variable with ever-changing constants, rapidly spinning into extremes, melting and solidifying all at once. yours, and not yours, to give and take.

as the ego

the ego is a machine, only capable of printing instructions to go or stop. with logistics and optimisation as its only consideration, it does not regard for moral. it strives for a goal, and only its goal; anything else is discarded, disregarded, destroyed.

as the body

a mess of unadulterated duels between the ego, the id, and a nonfunctional superego referee; the ego's victory sets the stage for selfish strive, yet the id's winning brings forth genetic aggression. a non-existent compromise leads to a mess of decisions in which nobody is satiated. the body is plagued by its own horrors, yet no splinter can hop out of the cage it's been bound to.
